The fall of Atlantis and a crime against Humanity inadvertently committed by Ayesha, High Priestess of Sirius, sets into motion the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy. The prophecy foretells the coming of Seven Avatars who will lead Humanity into the decisive battle between the Dark Brotherhood and the Forces of Light. Ayesha, stripped of her immortality and separated from her soulmate, Manu, is condemned to experience the Human cycle of rebirth until her karma is balanced and her debt paid by accepting the role of one of The Seven. Now Ayesha’s soul inhabits the physical body of Cassandra Oberon, a 17-year-old computer whiz kid and Dream Walker. Born to a Human/Celestial mother, Rebekah St. Claire, and a prince of the Fae, her birth fulfills an ancient prophecy: the creation of a new human, a Trybrid that holds the DNA of the Celestial, Human, and Devic kingdoms. The next step in Human evolution. Rebekah, a talented astrologer and white witch, cast her daughter’s astrological chart and learned that Cassandra was likely one of the Seven Avatars. Fearing for her safety, she cast a powerful glamouring spell to disguise them. Now is the time of the Quickening, the time when the Aquarian Avatars are due to come into their powers to lead Humanity into the final battle of the Shift of the Ages, the shift from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. But the Dark Brotherhood has found them, and Cassandra must come to terms with her destiny before Earth – and the Universe – falls to Darkness. |